Haiku and Misc...

One of the students' favorite poem to write is the haiku. I am sure it's because haikus are only three lines, but I will give them the benefit of the doubt. ;)

Here are pictures of the kids working on their haiku projects. The 6th grade made 3D haiku tunnels, the 7th grade painted "traditional" Japanese scrolls, and the 8th grade made carp wind-streamers.

Haiku Tunnels! Cute, huh?!

"Rabbit" is the title and the three lines of the haiku follow behind it.

Carp wind-streamers. I am planning on hanging them up when they are all finished so stay tuned for that picture. 

The 6th grade at the radio station! Have your radios tuned into KSIB during Catholic Schools Week to hear their ads for St. Malachy. They all did an awesome job! The kids thought it was pretty neat to record their voices. 

P.S We are still collecting donations for our auction basket, 8th grade parents! 


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