Dates to remember:
March 24th: Spirit Day
March 30th: 8th Grade Parents:: Freshman Orientation
April 7th: No School: PD/Good Friday
8th grade: They have finished up their unit on the Civil War and the reconstruction era. They are moving through the Progressive Era. We are going to do brief units on the Roaring 20s, WWI, WWII, and The Civil Rights Movement. In religion we have been reviewing topics. They will have a standardized religion test on Monday that the Diocese proctors.
7th grade: They are currently working on creating the Oregon Trail, Santa Fe Trail, or the Mormon Trail. We are reading about the Westward Expansion and that cause and effect of those migrating west. On Tuesday they will learn about the Gold Rush. In religion, they are learning about Epistles and the letters St. Paul wrote to those who were turning their back on God. They even wrote their own Epistles which are pretty good!
6th grade: They have their Ancient Rome test today and then will move on to Ancient China. This unit will be so much fun to learn about their different festivals, clothing, language, and culture. In religion they are going over the prophet Isaiah and his prophecies of the coming Messiah.

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