Happy Friday!
Here is what is happening:
The 8th grade is gearing up to build their churches. They are studying the architecture of Catholic churches dating back to 150 AD. They will be designing a church based around what they have learned about churches from the west (Rome) and churches in the east (Constantinople). The inside of the church will reflect what can be found in churches today. This will be a pretty big project, but I think it's important for them to understand the workings of our church.
In social studies they are learning about the constitution. They are also doing a project in this subject to. They are making a constitution book where they are highlighting, summarizing, and illustrating the main ideas of the preamble, the articles, and the amendments.
The 7th grade is just starting a new unit on the 13 colonies. This subject is so much fun to teach because there are so many fun resources! They just wrapped up the colonizing of America and the discovery of the Americas. For this unit they made board games. Below are pictures of them playing their games yesterday. I even got to play Colonizing Clue with Kurtis and Gabe!
In religion they are studying the Beatitudes. Today they are going to write their own fable using the beatitude as their moral. Today is also Father Friday where Father comes in to talk with the students.
The 6th grade wrapped up their unit on culture and began their culture project. They researched a country and will present to the class. This class was super lucky in that they were the first to use the new 3D printer at school. My idea is that when one student is presenting their culture of their country, the other students will be taking notes in their "passports". Once they students are done taking notes in their passports and the presentation is done, the person presenting will stamp their passport acting as though they had been there. Each student designed their own passport stamp and printed it out on the 3D printer. It is super cool! I will take pictures.
In religion they are just starting to learn about the 10 Commandments and the Ark of the Covenant. We are going to be watching little videos, read the Bible, and do hands on learning to really grasp the importance of the Commandments.
Dates to remember:
End of the Trimester Friday the 13th
November 23rd: Recording for the Christmas concert at the church. Students should wear concert attire.
November 24th- Geography Bee
No school November 25-27th due to Professional Development and Thanksgiving Break
Below are pictures from STEAM Day this week and what the kids are doing in class.

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