Here is what we are doing in Miss Steinkamp's Classroom: 

The 7th grade made prayer flags awhile back. I forgot to post a picture...oops. But here they are with their prayer flays. The idea is if that cloth unravels the prayer on the flag floats to God. 

 The middle school helping clean up the window for Homecoming!

 The 6th grade listening to Father for Father Friday. 

 The 7th grade is a little tired of taking notes in their notebook, so I made stations for them. Each station has a new task to complete. They are learning about Spain conquering the New World. 

 Braylee watching a video and answering questions.

 Kurtis researched the 4 social classes of New Spain. He then wrote them into a pyramid and glued them into his notebook. 

I haven't forgotten about 8th grade! They are working hard on their Anti-Federalist vs Federalist debate. They will be going head-to-head on Thursday. I will try to remember to to take a picture and post it. :) 

Keep in mind: 
If you haven't signed up for conferences, please do so soon. 
This Friday, the 23rd, we do not have school due to PD. 
Next Wednesday, the 28th, the middle school is painting pumpkins. Students bring their own pumpkins to paint. They will also have a Halloween party in the afternoon before the Halloween parade. They can bring snacks for the party.
The parade will be streaming, so be on the look out for that! 
Also, it's the 8th grade Mass. I have asked they wear Mass clothes to school then they can change into their costumes.
The 8th grade is frat boys. The 6th grade is outer space. 
The kids get out early on the 29th due to conferences. NO LUNCH will be served. 
No school October 30th.


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