Hi parents!

First week of mandatory online learning was a doozy. I totally understand that getting your kids to do schoolwork is like herding cats. I feel your pain, but we are in this together! There were differently bumps in the road last week. Hopefully the weeks to come will be a little smoother.

8th grade: The 8th grade is working on characterization with a spooky, not so spooky, story. They are also going to work on their writing skills by rewriting the ending of the story. I have noticed in the last few weeks they are getting a little careless with their writing so hopefully they step it up with this assignment. They also have a grammar lesson on NoRedInk.

7th grade: The 7th grade is continuing to read "The Help". They are focusing on a couple of literary devices this week and making their own comprehension questions. They are taking a break from reading one day this week to take a virtual tour of the Civil Rights Movement to connect it to our book. Hopefully they like it!

6th grade: The 6th grade is still working on nonfiction but focusing on arguments and supporting arguments. They are to read two articles and compare and contrast them before writing their own argument. Their dystopian posters are due this week and there are several options they can get those to me.  They are also wrapping up those slides from last week by completing their works cited slide. Don't worry, there is a video showing them exactly how to do it!


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