Look how prompt I was on photos!!

Ha! McCoy! He was cheering on his team in The Grinch memory game. 

This team was a little more reserved but they were the winners!!

I read them similes and metaphors about the Grinch and based on the comparisons they had to draw a Grinch face. 

Zoe was voted the Cheermeister of Whobalation!!

Max was voted the Grinch... He is even acting Grinchy in the picture. 

The 8th grade's Christmas week has been focusing on keeping Christ in Christmas. They wrote Acrostic poems with the word Christmas. Based off the letters they had to write about the true meaning of Christmas, Christ our Savior. They had some inspiration from Perry Como's C H R I S T M A S. I brought my record player and we listened to Como's whole record. 

Aren't they dazzling in their class shirts? :) 

Masa on Thursday as well as Secret Santa, ugly sweaters, and Christmas caroling at 12:30. This day they will need to bring a sack lunch. 

Geography Bee tomorrow at 10:15 after Mass!

Middle school Mass on January the 3rd. The reception for all three grades will follow Mass. 

(The 7th grade is doing a Christmas activity. They are rewriting the dialogue and stage directions to A Christmas Carol. They will be presenting these tomorrow, Wednesday.) 


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