Things to be aware of...


This Friday is the Civil War Wax museum. It will be held in the middle school building from 1:00 to 2:30. Hope to see you there!

Monday is the 8th grade's field trip to Adventureland. We will leave here at 8:30. I am hoping to be back by 5.

Wednesday the 24th is the spring music program. It will be at the High School again, and Mrs. Stoner is asking that students arrive by 6:15 that night.

Friday the 26th is 8th grade graduation at Holy Spirit at 7:00 with a reception following after Mass. We will be practicing for that on Friday afternoon. I will send home permission slips allowing your child to walk to the church next week. Invites for graduation will be given to the students to give to you today or tomorrow, depending on when they will be printed.

Monday the 29th we will not have school due to Memorial Day.

Tuesday the 30th students will need to bring a sack lunch. Milk will be provided. Field Day will also be held on Tuesday in the afternoon.

Wednesday the 31st is the last day of school! We will be getting out 3 hours early. Since it is a Wednesday we will still have Mass. However, it is also a Spirit Day so students do not have to dress up. This day will be the 1st and 8th grades' Mass. So I am asking that the 8th grade does NOT wear athletic shorts, please. Please feel free to come to this Mass as it is the last Mass they will participate in within St. Malachy.

I think that is it... phew. A lot going on! I will keep you updated if I forgot anything.


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