Hi All!!
A few things:
First, the Auction is March 4th. PLEASE come. The 8th graders are sewing a quilt themselves for the silent auction item. Our basket item is "home for the holidays". We are still accepting donations. Thanks to those who have already donated!
MARK your CALENDERS! February 25th is TRIVIA NIGHT at The Lobby. $20 per person and 8 people per team. Invite friends and family to your team; they don't have to be affiliated with St. Malachy. Trivia is SO much fun! I can understand if you are too scared of my team and don't want to sign up. 😉😉
Next Wednesday the 15th the public school does NOT have school but we DO have school. There won't be buses or band lessons, so please plan accordingly.
In the classroom:
The 6th grade just gave their how-to speeches. They all did fabulous. The kids love these because they got food!
The 8th grade just wrapped up with The Lord of the Flies. Below they pose with their 3D models of the setting. Tomorrow we head into Animal Farm.
A few kiddos working the sewing machine for the silent auction item!
The 7th grade made tall tale constructions. They had to read a tall tale and write the characteristics of a tall tale on the character created. You are looking at John Henry, Pecos Bill, and Johnny Appleseed, to name a few.
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