Field Trip and Underpass

The 8th grade went on their field trip on Thursday to Principal Park to watch some ICub baseball. We had a blast! Here are some pictures documenting our trip.

P.S. Don't mind my picture taking skills. It was bright out and I couldn't see my screen AND the kids weren't paying attention or blinking due to lights or my phone couldn't get everyone in.

And we are off! 

At the Iowa Historical Museum with the big mammoth and baby mammoth. 

Loving the cool artwork!

Eating at Buzzard Billy's with our fabulous chaperons! 

The whole gang, and it actually shows all of us! Woo hoo

Sorry Spencer...

Sorry Payton... 

The whole gang except Beau not paying attention. 

Kara got a ball! 

Ayden got a free hot dog from the hot dog gun! 

Thinking they had to play on the jungle gym within the ball park. 

Outside Principal Park!

We had to get a picture with Cubbie. 

The Cedar underpass!!! THANK YOU to Danika for the AWESOME idea and organizing the whole event. THANK YOU to Amy Schultes for supervising on Saturday and Sarah Lane who helped as well. Big THANK YOU to the students who took their time out of their weekend to draw and paint. It looks AWESOME!!!!! Be sure to drive by and check out the neat work! 


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