6th Grade in Disguise...
Soo... The 6th grade just read chapter 20 of Among the Hidden. In this chapter Jen and Luke, main characters, talk about getting fake i.d.s and different identities. I thought it would be fun for the 6th grade to create their secret identity life. They are to write a couple of paragraphs talking about their "life" if they were in hiding. They have to make up where they are from, parents, interests, ext... Tomorrow I will be the Population Police and decide if their identity is "real" or "fake", if it is too fake they will go to "jail". I am so excited to hear them! BUT FIRST! You can't have a fake life without a picture in disguise. I printed out different props and such, they colored them, then took a picture against the "photo booth". These are just so funny, I had to share! If your child isn't on here, ask them to show you! Maybe they are so disguised you can't tell who is your child?!
Sam with her mole and sunglasses. Pretttty!
Ha ha ha :)
Garon's face is so awesome plus his "chops"!
Andy, oh man, Andy. He glued "chops" to his face and put a rubber band in his hair to create a nice little pony tail. Love it!
Who is this guy with his sunglasses, 'stach, and tie?!
Keagan is very hidden... Get it? Ha!
Don't feel left out 7th and 8th grade parents!
7th grade will be doing scavenger hunts tomorrow. Yes, it is educational. Since they are reading about suspense and mystery, they are learning about inferences and context clues to figure out the mystery. Tomorrow the students will be using their context clues to get them through the hunt!
8th grade is sketching the courtroom and trial for To Kill A Mockingbird. This will help them visualize and use the context clues and descriptive language to create a visualization!
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