
Hi all! I hope you are staying warm. If this is any indication of what winter will be like, I am not happy. Brr!! I like snow and all, but it is too soon for this white stuff!

6th Grade:
6th grade just finished their first middle school book report, the biography. Their "people" turned out great! I was very impressed with their first formal paper. Way to go, 6th grade! You all did such an awesome job. Here is a picture of the students with their "people".

How cute are they? (Both students and people) :) Love it!

This class also just wrapped up another unit test. We did things a bit different this time around. Next week they will be doing a writing activity about Todd the Turkey. 

On Tuesday, three of the 6th graders will going to the Writers in the Middle with me. I think we will have a lot fun! 

7th Grade:
This class just got done reading "I Never Saw Another Butterfly". It is a play that is based off of children from the Holocaust. So it isn't the happiest story in the world, but the kids really loved it. We had some good discussions about this topic. 
They will be completing their unit test next week. Three of these students will be accompanying me to the Writers in the Middle as well. Wednesday we will be doing a writing activity about things we are thankful for, so be sure to look for those! 

8th Grade: 
These girls just completed an essay for the Knights of Columbus. Their topic was the importance of religious freedom. So, they weren't the happiest of campers on writing this paper, but we made it! 
Their unit tests won't come until after Thanksgiving break. 

On Monday they will be reading a short story by O. Henry called "The Two Thanksgiving Day Gentlemen", On Tuesday they will have their book club lady, Barb Coenen, stop by to do their Thanksgiving activity with them. Some of the girls are bummed because they will be at Writers in the Middle and will miss Barb. No worries, she will be back for Christmas, we hope! 

Tuesday we have Writers in the Middle in Lamoni. We will be leaving shortly after 7:30. These kids need to bring their sack lunch. 
Wednesday we are having the geography bee. This is also an early out. 
Thursday and Friday NO SCHOOL! 



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