Hi parents!! 

 I want to thank everyone for allowing their kids to go on the field trip yesterday. It was an awesome day and a great experience. I want to especially thank everyone who donated and chaperoned!! 

Here are a few pictures of yesterday. (I only had 5 kids in my group, so that's why you see the same ones) 

                                                                But first: The 7th grade presenting their ancient civilization projects. They had to present a slide presentation, Facebook poster, and finally sing a song. 

 Melanie and Blake rapping about their civilization. They changed the words to an Eminem song. And I must say, it was amazing!!

 Rhett and Sadie playing Guess Who: Saint Addition

 "Digging for artifacts in Jamestown"

 The whole gang!

 The first artifact of the exhibit was the barbed wire and electric fence.

 Ready for the Science Center!

 Taylor, Jaxson, Charlie, and Kadley swirling in chairs.

 Selfie time!

 Can't forget Kadley and Melanie :) 

If you ever want a reminder of how out of shape and old you are getting, follow a 7th grader up a jungle gym type thing- You will be reminded real quick. 😐😜

Dates to remember: 
Oct. 8- 3 hour early out-NO LUNCH
Oct. 22- Spirit Day
Oct. 27th- 8th Mass- Also day of our Halloween activities and Parade- The middle school has awesome costumes planned!! You will want to come and see them at the parade!
Oct. 28- -- Conferences
Oct 29th and Nov. 1- NO SCHOOL


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