Hi parents!
Here is what is happening...
April 14th: 8th grade Mass
April 23rd: Spring Clean Up & Spirit Day
The 8th grade's graduation is on the calendar for May 21st at 7:00 pm at Holy Spirit. Invites will be sent home within the next week or so with more information.
The 8th grade has just started on their unit on the Civil War. In religion they are learning about the Council of Trent.
The 7th grade is learning about the Oregon Trail and the U.S.A expanding west. In religion they learned about the Holy Matrimony and what traits and qualities it takes to have a healthy relationship.
The 6th grade just wrapped up with their Ancient Egypt project of building the pyramids. (A picture is below). We are just starting on Ancient Greece. In religion they are learning about moral and theological virtues.
The Cross Walk was a success. We even had a visit from Jesus (Mattias).

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