Hi Parents,
Here are some pictures of CSW!

Here is what is happening:
8th Grade: They are wrapping up their Civics Unit all together. We just dipped into economics a little bit. They are currently working on quite the project in creating a business in Creston. They will present their business proposal to the class next week. There are some good ideas like a drive-in movie theatre!
7th Grade: They just finished their Revolutionary War unit. We are going to touch briefly on the Declaration of Independence then move on. They hit this pretty hard in 8th grade.
In religion they are studying the Pentecost. They did a Pentecost scavenger hunt throughout the school this week.
6th Grade: They are learning about ancient Egypt which is so much fun! We are touching on the Pharaohs before we get into the construction of the pyramids. We are currently mummifying a Cornish hen so they can see that process.
Dates to remember:
Feb 19- end of trimester 2
Feb 26- Spirit Day
Feb 27- Auction!
The middle school basket is packed full of activities to keep your family busy during the pandemic! Their silent auction items are pretty neat too!
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