Hey Parents!
Dates to remember:
December 15- Christmas Concert- at school. Kids should dress in Christmas best.
December 16- Geography Bee finalists round
December 18- Spirit Day
December 22nd-Sack lunch! And ugly sweater day
December 23rd-NO SCHOOL start of Christmas Break!
What we are doing in the classroom in pictures!

The 8th grade is hard at work on their churches! They are due Monday, and I can't wait to see the finished product!!

The 6th grade was the first class to utilize the new school 3D printer! They designed passport stamps. The kids then used the stamps to stamp classmate's passports for their culture project.

Getting ready to "go around the world" aka present their country culture project.

I got a picture of each kid presenting! The rest of the class was to take notes in their "passports".

Here, Jace is stamping the kids' passports.

In religion, the 6th grade learned about the 10 Commandments and the Ark of the Covenant. So, they designed a new Ark. Their designs were based around the Book of Exodus and Moses.

The 8th grade lending a hand at the Rerun. Middle school goes every Thursday to help clean.

The 7th grade is currently learning about the 13 colonies. They just started Colonial Days. They made bonnets and hats that were popular during the colonial era. You can see them wearing their hats as they do their activities. :)
That's all for now. Merry Christmas!!
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