Tomorrow' Mass is at 9:30 rather than 9:15.
Friday the 27th is a Spirit Day
The 29th is the Color Run. You can still sign up today!
October 11th is a 3 hour early out due to Homecoming

The 8th grade is well into their first novel Animal Farm. Next we will already have it finished since it's a shorter novel. They will take a test then do a project over allegories. 
Their class shirts should be here any day now so be on the look out for those! 

The 7th grade is focusing on point of view and characterization. They did an Instagram poster depicting a character or someone famous with the focus of characterization. I am super please how they turned out. Here are just a few of them! Pretty awesome!! (Okay so I don't know how to rotate it... ha!)

The 6th grade will be taking their first test tomorrow! We have work hard on the plot diagram and practicing reading strategies. I have been impressed on how fast they are picking up these concepts! 


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