Parents, get ready for picture overload.
A few things first.
OUR BASKET THEME IS "CITY ESCAPE" FOR THE AUCTION. (Could be Des Moines, Omaha, Kansas City, wherever) Items could be tickets to a movie, baseball game, or museum. Gift cards could be good too, to restaurants, gas cards, stores, etc... I will be sending home a letter this week.
Tuesday the 13th of February is when we will have our Valentine's Day party due to Ash Wednesday.
We DO HAVE school on February 14th, however there will be no buses.
PTO meeting the 15th at 6:00.
Spirit Day the 23rd.
The middle school has been busy with various projects over poetry and myths and legends. So, I took a few pictures to show you.

The 6th grade made haiku tunnels. These will also be in conference folders. They had to write a three line poem only consisting of 17 syllables about nature. These are always fun to do.

We had an awesome Catholic Schools Week! It was so much fun especially since we added a new, fun day: Tourist Tuesday. The movie Wonder was such a tear jerker but worth it.

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