Hi parents! A lot going on next week so here we go... Tuesday the 8th grade would like to wear their class shirts. Please remind them, if you could. It's on my board but you know how that goes... The 6th grade is having their Grinch Who-balation on Tuesday. This class will be filled with games, educational of course, and different activities surrounding the Grinch and Common Core. I will post pictures during break. It's pretty cute. :) Wednesday is the finals of the GeoBee. We have several middle schoolers so stop by and check it out. We are doing it right after Mass, so 10:15. Thursday... The whole school is asked to dress festive for Christmas. In our wing that means ugly sweaters. If your child has an ugly Christmas sweater, Thursday would be the day to wear it! If not, it's totally fine! The 8th grade is having a Moldovan Masa. Masa means table or party in Romanian. I like to do this to bring a little bit of my Peace Corps experience to them. We will have...