Dates to remember:
October 13th and 16th: No School
October 19th: Muffins with Mom
October 20th: Spirit Day
October 21st: Spaghetti Supper. Middle school kids are expected to work the carnival.
October 24th: 8th grade field trip to SWCC. Permission slips will be sent home next week and students will need a sack lunch.
October 28th: St. Malachy Vendor Fair: Middle school kids are to bring a baked good for the Civics Club booth.
Homecoming fun. Thank you to all of the students who rode our float. I may be biased, but I think we had the best float. :)
They HAD to have their picture taken. :)
The 6th grade started their first ever essay for me this week. They have to write a personal narrative. Their rough draft is due on Tuesday, so I am excited to see what they come up with.
The 7th grade is also working on a personal narrative. In between writing sessions they learned about characterization in poetry. So to stay true to the Halloween season, they are writing characterization poems about a Halloween monster/character. I am pretty impressed from what I have read so far. They are a creative bunch of kids!
The 8th grade is working on a group project that covers several standards at once. It's a pretty hefty project, but they are having fun! They are creating a news broadcast video. They are using WeVideo to produce a "real" news broadcast show. The groups picked a topic from history to report on. They will start videoing on Tuesday. I am hopeful I can get the videos posted to my blog when it's all said and done.
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