Hi All!

 Tomorrow we will have a special guest attending mass, Bishop Pates! I am asking that all students spruce  up a little more than usual tomorrow in his behalf.

I will not be here on Thursday or Friday. If you need to get a hold of me, I will check my email a few times while I am out. Please contact Sarah or the other middle school teachers if your child is absent.

Friday is a Spirit Day. Your child can wear sweatpants if they bring $1.

The 8th grade just wrapped up their debate yesterday. I was so impressed with their speaking skills. I feel like they performed beyond an 8th grade level. Way to go!! Today they started on their oral tradition mini unit. They will be learning about fables, legends, epics, and tall tales before heading into their poetry unit.

The 7th grade learned multiple choice answering strategies and put them into use with a selection test over a story they read titled "A Crush". They ALL did AWESOME. They are working on one more assignment, comparing and contrasting recurring theme, before heading into a paper then their unit test.

The 6th grade also learned the multiple choice answering strategies today and put them to use with a selection test over the story "Scout's Honor". We will check these tomorrow. I am hopeful they did super!


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