Oct. 6th
Hey Parents,
Here are a few things:
Tomorrow is a Spirit Day so the kids can wear sweatpants for $1! Tomorrow is also an optional sack lunch day. Hot lunch will be provided if your child chooses not to bring a sack lunch.
A run down on what we are doing in language arts:
8th grade just started on the theme of the story and how stories can contain symbols. We just reviewed through the first few units because the class felt confident in knowing the material, so did I so we moved on. Tomorrow they will be researching different authors and creating symbols to represent that author's life.
In art, the 8th grade learned about sugar skulls. I bought some plaster and molds so they are whipping up some plaster to mold a "skull". I couldn't find a skull mold so it's just a face that they will have to transform into a skull. I am pretty excited to see how they turn out! They should be all ready for The Day of the Dead on November 1st.
The plaster is drying in their molds and the bottom masks are the finished product. Now we just need some design and paint, and we have ourselves a sugar skull.
7th grade is well on their way with unit 2. Their focus is on point of view and characterization of characters. Tomorrow they will get to write a poem on characterization. I am sure they will be thrilled. :) I love reading their poems and seeing their artistic ability come through.
6th grade is working on dialect today and read a story called "Jeremiah's Song". They had fun with dialect and the activity we did in class. Tomorrow they are going to learn how customs and setting effects the story. We will read a story together and do comprehension questions. They will be doing an activity with researching customs from different time periods on Monday.
In the picture, the 6th grade is walking around to each picture. The picture is of a person from a different region. The kids were to write an example of that person's dialect.
Here are a few things:
Tomorrow is a Spirit Day so the kids can wear sweatpants for $1! Tomorrow is also an optional sack lunch day. Hot lunch will be provided if your child chooses not to bring a sack lunch.
A run down on what we are doing in language arts:
8th grade just started on the theme of the story and how stories can contain symbols. We just reviewed through the first few units because the class felt confident in knowing the material, so did I so we moved on. Tomorrow they will be researching different authors and creating symbols to represent that author's life.
In art, the 8th grade learned about sugar skulls. I bought some plaster and molds so they are whipping up some plaster to mold a "skull". I couldn't find a skull mold so it's just a face that they will have to transform into a skull. I am pretty excited to see how they turn out! They should be all ready for The Day of the Dead on November 1st.

7th grade is well on their way with unit 2. Their focus is on point of view and characterization of characters. Tomorrow they will get to write a poem on characterization. I am sure they will be thrilled. :) I love reading their poems and seeing their artistic ability come through.

In the picture, the 6th grade is walking around to each picture. The picture is of a person from a different region. The kids were to write an example of that person's dialect.
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