
Showing posts from September, 2016

Field Trip

Here are a few photos of our 8th grade leadership retreat to the St. Thomas More Center in Panora. The kids had a lot of fun! This year they got to go canoeing! I about had a heart attack, but it was fun! My "drivers". I got to sit back and relax as these two paddled me around. It was perfect! :)  Happy Campers! Attempting to take an entire class selfie. Being creepers in their rain jackets.  Of course they have to dab.  They were able to get everyone inside the square without touching the ropes! They did it pretty fast too! One of the leadership courses was to walk on a wire while trusting your teammates to get you to the other side.  Look at this gem! Garon found some sweet shades to add to his wardrobe.  Helping each other out to climb the wall. My babes!

Friday the 23rd

Hi Parents,  Tomorrow is a TWO hour early dismissal due to the Homecoming parade, which starts at 2:00. Tomorrow is also a Spirit Day AND the students can bring a sack lunch, if they want to. If they choose not to bring a sack lunch, there will be a hot lunch available. Have a nice homecoming weekend! Go Panthers!


Instead of the change of clothes for tomorrow the organizer of the retreat would like the kids to bring raincoats since rain is in the forecast. Also, I forgot to include that the kids need to bring $5 for transportation costs. (I am sorry I didn't put this in the permission slip) THIS IS FOR TOMORROW THE 16th for the 8th GRADE FIELD TRIP.

Field Trip

Just a reminder that the 8th grade field trip to the St. Thomas More Center is tomorrow. We are leaving at 8:20 and will be back by 3:00. Your child will need to wear tennis shoes, bring an extra pair of clothes (they are canoeing), and a sack lunch (pop is okay to bring). I am still missing half of the permission slips. Tonight at 6:00 is the PTO meeting. I am sure the Color Run is on the agenda. So stop by if you can to find out more information on that! Reminder that on Monday we don't have school. Keep on checking out Google Classroom to see what the kids are up to! Questions? Feel free to email me. Happy Balloon Days!

Happy Second Week of School!

Hi there Parents! Is everyone able to get onto their child's Google Classroom? If not, just shoot me an e-mail and I will help out. Tomorrow is a Spirit Day so kids are allowed to wear those sweatpants if they bring $1. ALSO they are encouraged to wear their support for their favorite team, Iowa or Iowa State. I am SURE I will have a class of black and gold. :) :) :) Go Hawks!! I am sending a permission slip home today for all 8th graders for their field trip next Friday to Panora. Please sign those and return. Remember this is a leadership retreat and they will need a sack lunch. I think that is all for now. Here is a picture to make you smile. The boys' first football game has them acting goofy. Goofier than usual that is... ;)