Update Through Pictures

Hello Parents!

 Here's what's new in middle school...

The 6th grade is taking their test now for their unit over myths and legends. It was a pretty hands on, creative unit but I think it was a lot of fun and I hope they had fun too. Also in this unit they had their speeches. I was pretty excited to see how those turned out, and they all did a great job! It was neat to see them present. Here are a few pictures of them presenting.
Next we will do a little mini unit on autobiographies and biographies then they will write their own personal narratives before diving into their novel unit The Outsiders.

 On the left we have Jacob demonstrating on to make his "perfect" bologna and cheese sandwich.

On the right we have Halle explaining how to make protein balls, which were really good!

Here is Mallory explaining how to make an origami fox.
On the right we see Haley showing us how to make some more origami. They turned out very cute!

The 8th grade just filled out their rough drafts for their classes next year. I was obviously the only sad one. But let's not get ahead of ourselves. They are in the beginning chapters of The Lord of the Flies and I think they are digging it so far. They have a 3D project due next week of the setting that I am super excited to see! 

The whole school participated in Rock in Prevention which is program to eliminate bullying. I think all of the kids and teachers had fun "rocking" out. 

The 7th grade just wrapped up their Westing Game book. Some of the kids figured out the mystery. I think they enjoyed it. Today they played the game clue to help with problem solving and making inferences. I think Garon and Andy were having fun. :) 

The next book the 7th grade will read is Shoeless Joe. The movie Field of Dreams is based off of this. 


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