6th Grade Meets the Population Police

Yesterday the 6th grade were assigned to make fake I.D.s with pictures and a little story about an alternate life. Today they met the Population Police, a.k.a me! We pretended I stopped them and they had to tell me their life story. If I didn't believe the story they went to jail, but if I believed them then they were free. However, some students bribed me so they stayed free. I got into disguise with a mustache, aviators, a ruler, and a whistle- super authoritative, I know. Here are my "officers". Andy and Garon bribed me not to go to jail. You see the accused in their jail surrounded by the free birds. The free birds laughing at the jailed. It looks like there is about to be a prison riot. The Population Police with all of the "shadow kids". Craziness. In the mean time... 8th grade did canvas painting for art today. I tied the painting in with To Kill A Mockingbird. So, they are making a sunset sky, tree, and a mockingbird will be...