
Hi all! I hope you are staying warm. If this is any indication of what winter will be like, I am not happy. Brr!! I like snow and all, but it is too soon for this white stuff! 6th Grade: 6th grade just finished their first middle school book report, the biography. Their "people" turned out great! I was very impressed with their first formal paper. Way to go, 6th grade! You all did such an awesome job. Here is a picture of the students with their "people". How cute are they? (Both students and people) :) Love it! This class also just wrapped up another unit test. We did things a bit different this time around. Next week they will be doing a writing activity about Todd the Turkey. On Tuesday, three of the 6th graders will going to the Writers in the Middle with me. I think we will have a lot fun! 7th Grade: This class just got done reading "I Never Saw Another Butterfly". It is a play that is based off of children from the Holocaust....