Hi Parents, Just a friendly reminder we are still accepting donations for the auction basket until February 13th! Thank you in advance!
Showing posts from January, 2021
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Hi Parents! Dates to remember: Tomorrow, Jan 22, is a Spirit Day Jan. 26: Board Meeting Jan 27th: 6th grade Mass Jan. 31: Kick start of Catholic Schools Week! Feb. 1: Students will need to bring a sack lunch with drink for Catholic Schools Week Friday Feb. 5th: Virtual Grandparents Day parade. Check St. Malachy's Facebook page! 8th grade: In social studies the 8th grade is learning about the 3 branches of government. They are currently learning about the judicial branch. For this they are grouped up and are making a little video with props. They are to write a script that explains the workings of the judicial branch. They took a little break to learn/watch the inauguration. In religion they just learned about the meaning of transubstantiation. They will be learning about Gothic cathedrals and are doing a little debate/persuasion project with that. The 8th grade also wrote newspaper articles for the Catholic Schools Week i...
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Middle School Parents! It is that time of year again….time to think about the annual St. Malachy Gala and Auction in February! Once again, the class baskets are going to be assembled by grade bands. We will have one basket for the St. Malachy Middle School. Our theme is: “Quarantine” Possible items: anything fitting or kept your family busy during quarantine. I.e. masks, hand sanitizer, puzzles, games, different hobbies like quilting or gardening. Did you take up a new hobby? Did you reorganize your pantry or closets. Anything to keep you and your family entertained! We are encouraged to include actual items in our baskets instead of gift cards whenever possible. We have to have time to assemble the basket, so please contribute by February 13 if you would like to! Please remember that we will shop for you if you would rather send cash. All donations are greatly appreciated! Please contact any one of us if you have questions! ~Miss Steinkamp, Mrs. Hensel, and Mrs. Knap...