
Showing posts from September, 2020
 The 8th grade finished creating their monstrances, and they look great! A monstrance is a vessel where the consecrated host is on display through the lunula. Below is a picture of some of the monstrances created by the 8th grade. They are learning about how the Holy Spirit can be one with us. The Eucharist is one of the ways.  The 6th grade enjoyed the weather by playing dominoes with their geography vocabulary. They are focusing on longitude and latitude and how the tilting of the earth effects days, nights, and seasons. 
  The 7th grade has so much fun learning about mesoamerica! Here are some of the pictures of their projects!   Matthew displaying his Aztec death mask.  Caden explaining the design of his warrior mask.  Owen displaying his warrior mask.   Kadley trying to decipher a Mayan calendar   Gabe also trying to decipher his Mayan calendar  A close up of one of the calendars.  We joined our preschool friends to demonstrate the floating gardens! They helped put the "garden" on the the flotation device. 
  Hi parents!   I think we are finally getting a routine down and some normalcy!  Dates to remember:  September 9- 6th grade Mass. This will be streaming live! September 11- SPIRIT DAY. We are still doing our annual Cy-Hawk Spirit Day. Students wear their favorite team's colors. Go Hawks. ;) ;) Kids can wear sweats for $1 September 23- 8th Grade Mass- It will be live streamed. September 25- No SCHOOL Professional Development Day  **Keep in mind- Students will need a winter coat for PE. This colder weather reminded me to remind you!  7th Grade: The 7th grade has been studying Mesoamerica civilizations. There are doing STEAM challenges based around these civilizations. Below you can see students making Mayan masks, Aztec floating gardens, and Mayan decipher calendars. In religion they will be studying the sacrament of baptism tomorrow.   Kurtis is in the background constructing his garden while Braylee attempts to cut out eye holes in her mask....
  Reminder tomorrow, the 3rd, is school pictures!!