I introduced the 6th grade to EdPuzzle. This website allows me to upload educational videos and edit them with questions and comments. As students watch the video, questions pop up to monitor their understanding. The 6th grade was learning about the importance of stage directions in plays, so I had them watch a few minutes of a Grinch the Musical and analyze the stage directions. So Sorry! I forgot to upload pictures from Wellness Day last week. The kids had a blast, and it was so neat to see McKinley Park being utilized! The middle school had so much fun kayaking, canoeing, and fishing. Everyone was being active! I absolutely love this picture. Jack is just enjoying life...even after the canoe tipping. Denton is the speck in the back of the lake. He had to use his kayak to pick buoys up for Ms Lesan. He was waving while taking this picture. :)