8th grade parents, The link below will take you to the sign up for conferences. Please let me know if you are unable to make it or need to sign up for a different day due to vacations. I am flexible. www.SignUpGenius.com/go/20F044DA8AC29A4FE3-parent
Showing posts from February, 2018
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We are still accepting donations for the Auction basket. The Auction is March 3rd. Buy your tickets today! The 8th grade silent item is finished and it looks AWESOME!! Friday the 23rd is a Spirit Day. Wednesday the 28th the students will be listening to Scott Boyle at 1:00. March 12th is when the 8th grade will get a visit from the high school counselors about their schedule. We will review their schedule and go over any questions you have at conferences. March 15th: conferences! March 16th-23rd Spring Break
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Parents, get ready for picture overload. A few things first. OUR BASKET THEME IS "CITY ESCAPE" FOR THE AUCTION. (Could be Des Moines, Omaha, Kansas City, wherever) Items could be tickets to a movie, baseball game, or museum. Gift cards could be good too, to restaurants, gas cards, stores, etc... I will be sending home a letter this week. Tuesday the 13th of February is when we will have our Valentine's Day party due to Ash Wednesday. We DO HAVE school on February 14th, however there will be no buses. PTO meeting the 15th at 6:00. Spirit Day the 23rd. The middle school has been busy with various projects over poetry and myths and legends. So, I took a few pictures to show you. The 8th grade made poetry books. They wrote a total of 6 poems. These will be in their conference folders. I highly recommend you read your child's poetry book. They are so above and beyond 8th grade, it's AMAZING!! ...