
Showing posts from January, 2017
Parents,  Please send your 8th graders to school in Mass attire tomorrow. We have to serve the Chamber breakfast. Afterwards they can change into "American" attire. Thanks!  ALSO  The talent show starts at 1:00 on Thursday. We have a unique talent! Hope to see you there!!

Radio Ads

6th grade Parents,   Be sure to tune into KSIB this week to hear the 6th grade radio ads for Catholic Schools Week.  They all did a fabulous job! 
EXTRA! EXTRA! READ ALL ABOUT IT! The 8th grade's newspaper inserts will be in TOMORROW NIGHT's (Friday the 27th) paper! If you don't get the paper, be sure to grab one at the store!!  The 6th grade's radio ads will be playing next week as well. Those are played throughout the day, so try to tune in! Tomorrow is a Spirit Day! Catholic Schools' Week starts  Sunday at Mass! The week's activities and themes include: Monday is Faculty and Staff Appreciation. The kids will need to bring a sack lunch. It is also spirit day, so the kids are encouraged to wear blue and gold. Tuesday is Student Appreciation Day. The students will face off against the teachers starting at 1:30 until 3. This day is "sports wear". (hats and sweatpants are acceptable) Wednesday is Community Appreciation Day. The theme is "America". Students should be wearing their red, white, and blue! (The 8th grade class will have to come to school in mass attire to serve the...
Updates:  The 8th grade is starting chapter 5 today in "Lord of the Flies". It is a little slow at first, but it will pick up soon! Yesterday they did an activity focusing on the different symbols the book contains such as long hair and painted faces symbolize the transition from civilization into savagery.  Every day we gather in a circle and read together. I pause every now and then to ask comprehension questions. While they are reading they are to fill out a "chronolog", basically fill in the blank with the correct answer. They have to be listening to do this! Then they have an activity to do after we read. This usually is centered around finding quotes, descriptions, lines that develop the story further, etc...  The 7th grade will be presenting online posters of a Greek god/goddess that they researched. Yesterday we discussed legends and today will be epics. This unit is really hands on, so I love it!  The 6th grade will be venturing to KSIB today...
A friendly reminder that tomorrow is a Spirit Day and Monday we do not have school. Have a wonderful weekend, hopefully without ice!


Phew, welcome back! I hope you all enjoyed your holiday season. I am kind of glad to be back in a normal routine. Here is what has been happening over the last several busy weeks.  Geography Bee! And the winner is.... GARON! Woo hoo!  The first, second, and third place winners.  All of the contestants.  The three 8th grade contestants.  The winner, Garon! The winner with the boys. Note Andy... Oh, brother.  The 6th grade had a Who-bilation before Christmas. This day was spent doing fun, yet educational, games and activities based around "How the Grinch Stole Christmas". At the end of the class the students had to vote to see who was the Grinch and who was the Cheer-meister. Kyle was the winner of the Grinch and Reese was the cheer-meister!  The 8th grade has a Christmas "masa" which means table in Romanian. This is something I did often when I was in Moldova and I like to share it with my 8th grad...