
Showing posts from October, 2016

Mass Reception

8th Grade Parents,  The 8th Grade's mass reception is this Wednesday, the 26th. We will be having a prayer service due to the fact that Father is out of the States.  Hope to see you all there! P.S. Don't forget tomorrow the 8th grade is going to SWCC for Career Day.


8th Grade Parents:  Below is the link that will bring you to the sign-up sheet for conferences on the 3rd of November. I also sent you an email with the same link.
Hi all! A reminder that there is a Spirit Day on Friday. Have your kids bring that dollar to wear their sweat pants. I will be sending home permission slips for all of the 8th grade parents to sign for their child to attend the Southwestern Community College Career Day on Tuesday the 22nd. We will leave school around 8:45 and return before 2. Also don't forget to bring your baked good for Spaghetti Supper this Saturday! You can bring an item for the carnival's cake walk OR for the dinner itself. The Spaghetti Supper starts at 5. I think we will have the students who volunteer for the carnival to be there at 3:30 to set up. 8th grade is finishing up their Sugar Skulls for the Day of the Dead, November 1st. I will post a picture when those are all done. Today they started reading an excerpt of The Diary of Anne Frank, the play edition. After that we will start on the procedures of having a debate. However, next week will take a little break for Halloween to do some fun a...

Oct. 13th

It feels like winter is on its way! And I love it, that means we are getting closer to CHRISTMAS! :) Just a reminder that we do not have school tomorrow, Oct. 14th, or Monday, Oct. 17th. Monday, October 17th, is just for St. Malachy. The public school still has school. NEXT Saturday, the 22nd, is the Spaghetti Supper. We are asking for each family to donate one baked good for either the Civics Club's cake walk or for the actual dinner. On October 25th the 8th grade will be venturing to SWCC to take a tour and learn more about what programs they have to offer students. We will leave here at 9 am and get back around 1:30 - 2:00. I will be sending permission slips home next Thursday. It feels like the kids are flying through their material, which is a great thing! The 8th grade wrote myths and are presenting today. They are also well underway on their Sugar Skulls for art. My beautiful babes.  Painting the "skulls"! I said, "Act normal". An...

Oct. 6th

Hey Parents,  Here are a few things:  Tomorrow is a Spirit Day so the kids can wear sweatpants for $1! Tomorrow is also an optional sack lunch day. Hot lunch will be provided if your child chooses not to bring a sack lunch. A run down on what we are doing in language arts: 8th grade just started on the theme of the story and how stories can contain symbols. We just reviewed through the first few units because the class felt confident in knowing the material, so did I so we moved on. Tomorrow they will be researching different authors and creating symbols to represent that author's life. In art, the 8th grade learned about sugar skulls. I bought some plaster and molds so they are whipping up some plaster to mold a "skull". I couldn't find a skull mold so it's just a face that they will have to transform into a skull. I am pretty excited to see how they turn out! They should be all ready for The Day of the Dead on November 1st. The plaster is drying in t...