Hello parents, here is what we have been up to. Dates to remember: Nov. 30th the 8th grade will be taking a picture for the billboard in town. They decided to wear a solid black top. Dec. 1: 8th grade goes to SWCC for Career Day. Dec. 7: Christmas Concert Little late on Halloween pictures, sorry. :) The 6th grade is making Egyptian artifacts for their pyramids. Hadley made a chariot and coffin for her mummy. Here is what we are doing in class: 8th grade: For social studies they are wrapping up their unit on the three branches of government. They are currently working on an animation video for the judicial branch. Their next unit will be over the responsibilities as a citizen. In religion they are learning about the great church divide between the east and west. As we continue to learn about the divide, they will be working on building their churches. They had to pick a design, church of the west or the east and build accordingl...