May 3rd: Lap-a-thon Middle school runs at 11:15 May 4th: Spirit Day and Science Fair May 10th: 8th grade visits the High School. A permission slip will be sent home today. May 18th: 8th grade field trip to Des Moines. They have decided on doing the Escape Chambers May 25th: 8th Graduation at Holy Spirit Church May 28th: No school May 31st: Field Day June 1st: LAST DAY OF SCHOOL The 6th grade just finished their novel, The Outsiders . I think most of them enjoyed reading it. We will be starting our research papers next week. This is always a long, tedious process but we work together and it all works out. The 7th grade is in the middle of reading Between Shades of Gray which is based around the "forgotten Holocaust" that includes the Baltic region and Stalin. This has been an interesting novel to read and compare to their last novel Night . The 8th grade just wrapped up the trial of Tom Robinson today. We still have 10 chapters to read but so far,...
Showing posts from April, 2018
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Hi All, Here is what is happening around here: Monday the 16th 5 of the 8th graders will be headed to the Science Bowl with Mr. Kissell PTO meeting the 19th Spring Clean Up April 20th: MIDDLE SCHOOL KIDS BRING RAKES and GLOVES (Spirit Day) ALSO THE 20th, Ties and Tutus. Some of your kids may be helping out that Friday night. April 25th we have our field trip. A permission slip will be sent home this week. April 27th NO SCHOOL The 8th grade is working on their yearbook. I will be sending home an order form for the yearbook, should be between $18-$23. The 8th grade is in the beginning of To Kill a Mockingbird . So far they like it, woo hoo! We had to take a break from it this week due to assessments but will start back up Friday. The 7th grade did some researching on their next book Between Shades of Gray. This novel is about the "forgotten Holocaust" in Russia specifically Siberia. They really enjoyed Night so I think they will like this one too. The 6th gra...
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I am so sorry I have fallen behind on my blog posts. March is always crazy with spring break. But here is what is happening... April 6th and 20th are Spirit Days for this month. April 20th is an optional sack lunch day. The other option is cook's choice. April 16th Science Bowl April 20th is Ties and Tutus: father/daughter dance. The planning committee is already on this. April 25th we have a middle school field trip to Conception Abbey in Missouri, more information to come. April 27th NO SCHOOL In language arts: The 6th grade finished their first novel, "The Giver". After reading the packet they spent a class doing stations that all revolved around the book. It was very hands on with a lot of discussion. I think the kids had a lot of fun too. Their next novel is "The Outsiders" which they start tomorrow. Mrs. Simmons even participated by trying to "see beyond". The 8th grade started my favorite book today, ...